Chapter 4: Video and Audio

  1. Anne van Kesteren's email proposing <video> (historical interest only)
  2. Leverage a Synergy video (Ogg)
  3. Kroc Camen: Video for Everybody!
  4. html5media library to hijack the video element and automagically add necessary fallback
  5. Encoding royalty-free audio: Audacity
  6. Encoding royalty-free video: WebM tools
  7. Encoding royalty-free video: evom
  8. Encoding royalty-free video: Miro Video Converter
  9. Encoding royalty-free video: VLC
  10. Encoding royalty-free video: OggConvert
  11. Encoding royalty-free video: Firefogg
  12. Encoding royalty-free video: TinyOgg
  13. Encoding royalty-free video: ffmpeg library
  14. Encoding royalty-free video: Internet Archive
  15. CSS3 Media Queries specification
  16. WebSRT specification
  17. Bruce's interim hacky accessible captioned HTML5 video (Ogg-only demo)
  18. data-* attributes (custom data attributes) specification
  19. BBC video accessibility experiment (and subtitles file)
  20. Silvia Pfeiffer's accessbible video demos (NB: these don't validate)
  21. Kaltura video player
  22. jPlayer audio player

Bonus demos, resources